A Plymouth parent shared that MoMA is having a Family Festival during the winter break - from Saturday, February 15th through Wednesday, February 19th. It is five days of engaging activities that explore creativity and the natural world.
See below for more information.
Magic Show
Please join us on Saturday, March 1st for a magic show with Magical Dave. Bring the whole family for pizza in the gym at 11:15 am followed by a magic show at noon in the Plymouth Church Sanctuary.
Upcoming Parent Talk with Rachel Hass - February 28th
Holding Ourselves Through the Parenting Journey While Building Connection with Our Children
Entrenched in perfectionist parenting culture and the fast-paced lifestyle of city living can leave little room to nourish and nurture ourselves through the big reactions we may have to our children on a daily basis. This session will provide reflection and acknowledgement of the stress of parenting while providing strategies for a more joyful and fulfilling experience with our little ones. There is a lot of discomfort in parenting, whether we are trying hard to not repeat the challenging patterns of our own caregiving experiences when younger or consciously imbuing our parenting with what we did receive in a culture that has shifted quite drastically. We will explore what it truly means to be a “good enough parent” and to allow and hold the full range of feelings and reactions to parenting.
Rachel Hass has a Master’s in Social Work from Hunter College School of Social Work and a Bachelor of Arts degree in both Jewish Studies and Visual Arts from Oberlin College. As a Social Worker, LCSW, and Mental Health Specialist for Bank Street Center for Emotionally Responsive Practice, she facilitates workshops, support groups, and on-site consultation for teachers and staff in public schools, shelters, and childcare programs around the city. She is currently an adjunct faculty member at the Bank Street Graduate School and is in private practice, working with parents and children. At the core of her practice, Rachel values and honors children's and families' voices, histories, resourcefulness and strengths. She takes deep pride and joy in working with children and families who are navigating challenging moments in their lives, as she honors her role as a partner in development and support for parents and children alike.
Making Math Fun with Jennifer Woodruff - March 12th 6:30-7:45 pm
Including math experiences and math talk into your child’s everyday life can be fun and can support their academic growth; early math skills are more powerful predictors of later academic achievement. (Duncan et al, 2007).
Just as children’s development in movement follows a (generally) predictable path (crawl, stand, walk, run, jump, skip), children’s growth in math follows a natural developmental path. When caregivers understand these paths, they can make math fun — providing math experiences, math talk, and math games in ways that are attuned to their child’s development.
During the Making Math Fun workshop, caregivers will learn about developmental paths in a few areas of math (counting, subtilizing, geometry, addition), practice a variety of fun games to bring home to support math development, and learn how to vary the games based on children’s levels. Caregivers will also have a chance to exchange ideas and tips that work for their families in supporting math.
Jennifer Woodruff is a consultant in early childhood education and a former preschool teacher. She co-founded La Escuelita, Manhattan’s first Spanish/ English dual language preschool. Jennifer graduated from Stanford University and holds an M.S. from Bank Street College of Education, and an Ed. D. from Teachers College, Columbia University.
Important Dates to Remember
17-21 – School Closed for Winter Vacation
24 – Classes Resume
28 – Parent Talk with Rachel Hass
1 – Magic Show with Magical Dave
12 – Making Math Fun with Jennifer Woodruff