
Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday

Today we had chapel in the Sanctuary where we celebrated the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Tirzah, our Willow Room teacher, read a book that she wrote about Dr. King, and the children learned that Dr. King once came to Plymouth Church and spoke about his dream for all people to be safe and treated fairly. Next, we listened carefully to a few minutes of the recording of Dr. King speaking right here at Plymouth on February 10th, 1963. It was very moving to be in the room where he once was and to listen to his words. We closed chapel singing This Little Light of Mine, one of Dr. King’s favorite songs.

Upcoming Parent Talks

Please join us for a series of parent talks with Rachel Hass on Fridays at 9:15 am.

Holding Ourselves and Our Children Through It All: A series of parent talks that will provide insight and strategies around the challenges we face and the joys we embrace as parents and caregivers. 

January 24th - Navigating Big Feelings and Challenging Moments in Parenting Within the Developmental Context

February 28th - Holding Ourselves Through the Parenting Journey While Building Connection with Our Children 

April 11th - Holding Space for More Than One: Navigating Sibling Life and Relationship

Rachel Hass has a Master’s in Social Work from Hunter College School of Social Work and a Bachelor of Arts degree in both Jewish Studies and Visual Arts from Oberlin College. As a Social Worker, LCSW, and Mental Health Specialist for Bank Street Center for Emotionally Responsive Practice, she facilitates workshops, support groups, and on-site consultation for teachers and staff in public schools, shelters, and childcare programs around the city. She is currently an adjunct faculty member at the Bank Street Graduate School and is in private practice, working with parents and children. At the core of her practice, Rachel values and honors children's and families' voices, histories, resourcefulness and strengths. She takes deep pride and joy in working with children and families who are navigating challenging moments in their lives, as she honors her role as a partner in development and support for parents and children alike. 


Re-enrollment letters and agreements for next year will be emailed to our current families in early February. We look forward to another wonderful year together. 

New Office Hours with Kate

We have added additional office hours with our psychological consultant Kate Wechsler. Kate has worked with Plymouth for over 25 years and has helped many families tackle the conundrums of parenting. Plymouth hosts monthly open office hours with Kate, which allow you to meet with her individually to discuss issues and concerns you might have and get support.

The upcoming dates are February 28th and March 21st. Half-hour appointments will be available between 9:30 am and noon. Please email Silvia at to book an appointment. 

Time for Twos

For children who are not old enough to attend our drop-off program, we offer a wonderful program called Time for Twos. The description is below.

Time for Twos is Plymouth’s gentle introduction to school for our youngest children. Classes are led by an experienced early childhood educator and meet twice a week for an hour and 15 minutes each class. Children explore and play together in a warm, safe environment while learning how to be part of a school community. We support a gentle separation process that is tailored to each child’s unique development. Each class follows a preschool schedule and includes open-ended play, art activities, circle time, stories, music, snack and gym time. Children are accompanied by a parent or caregiver. Adults must remain in the building for the duration of the class. Children who will be two by June 30, 2026 are eligible to enroll.

Please let Silvia ( know by February 10th if you want to register your child for Time for Twos for next year, as we give priority to siblings and church members before we open registration to new families. Information about our Time for Twos program is on our website.  

Materials Center

We welcome your donations to our Materials Center! You can drop them off in the box located in the main lobby next to Adrienne’s office. Currently, we need the following:

Toilet and paper towel rolls

Corks, caps, plastic and metal

Prescription bottles with caps

Washed take-out containers



Samples from wallpaper, fabric, tiles

Ribbons, string, rubber bands

Office supplies, folders, envelopes, etc.

Los Angeles Wildfires

As a community our hearts are hurting for the many people who have been affected by the devastating wildfires in Los Angeles. We have researched some organizations that are doing relief efforts. If you are interested in helping, we can recommend the following organizations:

World Central Kitchen provides fresh meals to communities in need.

World Central Kitchen’s Relief Team is in Southern California to support first responders and families impacted by wildfires in the Los Angeles area. Their teams and partners have mobilized across the region to provide nourishing meals to people in need. Website:

California Fire Foundation provides immediate assistance to victims through programs like supplying disaster relief cash cards to those affected by wildfires. The California Fire Foundation is working with local fire agencies and community-based organizations to provide direct financial support to impacted residents.

Your donation to the CFF Wildfire & Disaster Relief Fund directly supports victims of wildfires and disasters throughout California. Website: 

Habitat for Humanity of Greater Los Angeles builds and repairs homes in partnership with hardworking, low-income families and individuals. They offer a hand up, not a hand out, providing a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to build a long-term investment for the future. Website:

News from Plymouth Church

Migrant Ministry Winter Coat Drive

We are collecting winter coats, warm clothing, and practical shoes for our newest neighbors, through January 24th. Then, we will invite migrants staying in shelters for the community distribution on Saturday and Sunday, January 25-26, in Hillis Hall. Your men’s, women’s, and kid’s donations can be dropped off weekdays & Sundays 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM at the Reception Desk.

Important Dates to Remember


20 - School Closed for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

24 - Parent Talk with Rachel Hass - Navigating Big Feelings and Challenging Moments in Parenting Within the Developmental Context

29 - School Closed for Lunar New Year

31 - Family Chapel

Adrienne Urbanski

Big Green Room Skylines

Upcoming Parent Talks

Please join us for a series of parent talks with Rachel Hass on Fridays at 9:15 am.

Holding Ourselves and Our Children Through It All: A series of parent talks that will provide insight and strategies around the challenges we face and the joys we embrace as parents and caregivers. 

January 24th - Navigating Big Feelings and Challenging Moments in Parenting Within the Developmental Context

February 28th - Holding Ourselves Through the Parenting Journey While Building Connection with Our Children

April 11th - Holding Space for More Than One: Navigating Sibling Life and Relationship

Rachel Hass has a Master’s in Social Work from Hunter College School of Social Work and a Bachelor of Arts degree in both Jewish Studies and Visual Arts from Oberlin College. As a Social Worker, LCSW, and Mental Health Specialist for Bank Street Center for Emotionally Responsive Practice, she facilitates workshops, support groups, and on-site consultation for teachers and staff in public schools, shelters, and childcare programs around the city. She is currently an adjunct faculty member at the Bank Street Graduate School and is in private practice, working with parents and children. At the core of her practice, Rachel values and honors children's and families' voices, histories, resourcefulness and strengths. She takes deep pride and joy in working with children and families who are navigating challenging moments in their lives, as she honors her role as a partner in development and support for parents and children alike. 


Re-enrollment letters and agreements for next year will be emailed to our current families in early February. We look forward to another wonderful year together. 

New Office Hours with Kate

We have added additional office hours with our psychological consultant Kate Wechsler. Kate has worked with Plymouth for over 25 years and has helped many families tackle the conundrums of parenting. Plymouth hosts monthly open office hours with Kate, which allow you to meet with her individually to discuss issues and concerns you might have and get support.

The upcoming dates are February 28th and March 21st. Half-hour appointments will be available between 9:30 am and noon. Please email Silvia at to book an appointment. 

Time for Twos

For children who are not old enough to attend our drop-off program, we offer a wonderful program called Time for Twos. The description is below.

Time for Twos is Plymouth’s gentle introduction to school for our youngest children. Classes are led by an experienced early childhood educator and meet twice a week for an hour and 15 minutes each class. Children explore and play together in a warm, safe environment while learning how to be part of a school community. We support a gentle separation process that is tailored to each child’s unique development. Each class follows a preschool schedule and includes open ended play, art activities, circle time, stories, music, snack and gym time. Children are accompanied by a parent or caregiver. Adults must remain in the building for the duration of the class. Children who will be two by June 30, 2026 are eligible to enroll.

Please let Silvia ( know by February 15th if you want to register your child for Time for Twos for next year, as we give priority to siblings and church members before we open registration to new families. Information about our Time for Twos program is on our website.  

MLK Service Day Collection

Help us provide "Kid’s bags" for children who visit CHIPS Soup Kitchen in Park Slope. See attached flyer for donation guidelines. We will be collecting donations at Plymouth all next week and your generosity can make a child’s day. The last day to bring in donations is January 17th.

Another way to help, is by coming to Plymouth on Monday, January 20th to help assemble the “Kid’s bags”. There are other service opportunities that day for all ages. Sign up on Realm.

Important Dates to Remember


20 - School Closed for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

24 - Parent Talk with Rachel Hass - Navigating Big Feelings and Challenging Moments in Parenting Within the Developmental Context

29 - School Closed for Lunar New Year

Adrienne Urbanski

Watercolor by the Cranberry Room

Thank You Plymouth Community!

 The Book Fair was amazing. A special thank you to the Book Fair chairs, Blaire Prince and Cydnee Cornwell, for organizing both the fair and the two fantastic readings!

Thank you to all the volunteers who helped. Thank you all for purchasing books for family and friends and for donating books to the Brooklyn Book Bodega.

 We also want to thank everyone for the wonderful Teacher Appreciation breakfast this morning.  Our teachers feel loved and cared for. A special shout out to our PA chairs, Hana Sporer and Cullen Daly, for all you do to support our Plymouth community.

 Plymouth’s Annual Toy Drive

 Plymouth families have always been so generous in their support of Plymouth’s Toy Drive to support Colony Houses. If you would still like to contribute, please do so by Monday, December 16th.  Learn more about the Toy Drive here and shop from our Amazon Wish List!!

 Family Holiday Sing

 Our Holiday Sing will take place next Thursday, December 19th at 9:00am in the Church Sanctuary (entrance on Orange Street).

 All Plymouth families (both AM and PM classes) are invited.

 BGR children will be dropped off in their classroom at 8:55 as per usual, because they will be playing music during the Sing. BGR grownups will join everyone in the Sanctuary.

 After the Holiday Sing, we will all gather in the gym for a holiday cookie party! Dismissal for the Winter Holidays follows the party.

 Required Influenza Vaccine

 The NYC Department of Health (DOH) mandates that all children receive one dose of the influenza vaccine (flu shot) by December 31, 2024. We must have a record of your child’s vaccine by that time, or we will be out of compliance with the DOH and subject to fines. Due to this, children will not be permitted to attend school when we return from the Winter Holidays on January 6, 2025, without proof of their influenza immunization. 

Please email a copy of your child’s proof of vaccination to  

 Important Dates to Remember


19 – Holiday Sing

20 – Jan. 3- School Closed for Winter Holidays

Adrienne Urbanski

The children in the BGR built a model of the Brooklyn Bridge.

Plymouth Book Fair

 The second annual Plymouth Book Fair is next week! Stop by the arcade on Tuesday, December 10th through Thursday, December 12th to purchase books from our curated selection of children and adult offerings. 

 As part of the Book Fair, we are hosting two special author readings in the Reception Room and hope to see you there.

 On Friday, December 13th at 12:30pm, local children’s author Cara Devins will read from The Brilliant Ms. Bangle.

 This year, we have partnered with Brooklyn Book Bodega, whose mission is to increase the number of 100+ book homes for kids 0-18 in NYC. Brooklyn Book Bodega provides access to and ownership of books, builds community, and creates a passion for learning through free events and literacy-based community programming. Please consider donating a book on behalf of this Brooklyn Navy Yard non-profit. 

 Plymouth’s Annual Toy Drive

 Plymouth families have always been so generous in their support of Plymouth’s Annual Toy Drive to support Colony Houses. The details are below.

 We are grateful to return to the Plymouth tradition of giving joy with the Annual Toy Drive for Colony Houses South Brooklyn.

Colony has offered humanitarian services to the disadvantaged people of Brooklyn since 1904, runs over 25 daycare centers and is in great need. In the wake of Covid their work has become more necessary than ever, as has the need for joy.

 You may either ship your toys directly to Plymouth Church Toy Drive (75 Hicks Street, Brooklyn NY 11201) or drop them off Monday-Friday 9:00am-5:00pm at 75 Hicks Street, or Sundays 10:00am-noon in the bin at the Sanctuary entrance.

 Our goal is 200 toys by Monday, December 16th.
Learn more about the Toy Drive here and shop from our Amazon Wish List!!

 Family Holiday Sing

 Our Holiday Sing will take place on Thursday, December 19th at 9:00am in the Church Sanctuary (entrance on Orange Street).

All Plymouth families (both AM and PM classes) are invited.

 BGR children will be dropped off in their classroom at 8:55 as per usual, because they will be playing music during the Sing. BGR grownups will join everyone in the Sanctuary.

 After the Holiday Sing, we will all gather in the gym for a holiday cookie party! Dismissal for the Winter Holidays follows the party.

 Required Influenza Vaccine

 The NYC Department of Health (DOH) mandates that all children receive one dose of the influenza vaccine (flu shot) by December 31, 2024. We must have a record of your child’s vaccine by that time, or we will be out of compliance with the DOH and subject to fines. Due to this, children will not be permitted to attend school when we return from the Winter Holidays on January 6, 2025, without proof of their influenza immunization. 

Please email a copy of your child’s proof of vaccination to  

 Important Dates to Remember


9-13 – Book Fair and Readings

19 – Holiday Sing

20 – Jan. 3- School Closed for Winter Holidays


Adrienne Urbanski

We were so happy to see our grown-ups at Family Chapel this morning. Thank you to the Big Green Room for writing and illustrating our November Blessing.

 Thank you for your generosity!

 Thank you all for your very generous donations for the Thanksgiving Food Drive. You should know that you made Thanksgiving possible for so many families.

Thank you!

 Book Fair

 The second annual Plymouth Book Fair is fast approaching! Stop by the arcade on Tuesday, December 10th through Thursday, December 12th to purchase books from our curated selection of children and adult offerings. Online sales will be available starting Monday, December 2nd. 

 This year, we have partnered with Brooklyn Book Bodega, whose mission is to increase the number of 100+ book homes for kids 0-18 in NYC. Brooklyn Book Bodega provides access to and ownership of books, builds community, and creates a passion for learning through free events and literacy-based community programming. Please consider donating a book on behalf of this Brooklyn Navy Yard non-profit. 

Family Holiday Sing

 Our Holiday Sing will take place on Thursday, December 19th at 9:00am in the Church Sanctuary (entrance on Orange Street).

All Plymouth families (both AM and PM classes) are invited.

BGR children will be dropped off in their classroom at 8:55 as per usual, because they will be playing music during the Sing. BGR grownups will join everyone in the Sanctuary.

After the Holiday Sing, we will all gather in the gym for a holiday cookie party! Dismissal for the Winter Holidays follows the party.

 Required Influenza Vaccine

 The NYC Department of Health (DOH) mandates that all children receive one dose of the influenza vaccine (flu shot) by December 31, 2024. We must have a record of your child’s vaccine by that time, or we will be out of compliance with the DOH and subject to fines. Due to this, children will not be permitted to attend school when we return from the Winter Holidays on January 6, 2024, without proof of their influenza immunization. 

Please email a copy of your child’s proof of vaccination to  

 Community News

  PS8 is hosting their first annual second-hand and vintage marketplace on Saturday, 10am-4pm, in the PS8 Multi-Purpose Room. They look forward to bringing everyone together, merging sustainability mindfulness with the chance to raise critical funds for the school.

All proceeds will go to support PS8!
Parents, we will have a spot set aside for kids to do art while you shop.
Don't forget to bring your own reusable bag!

This event is open to the public, so spread the word!

 Important Dates to Remember


27-29 – School Closed for Thanksgiving


9-13 – Book Fair and Readings

19 – Holiday Sing

20 – Jan 3- School Closed for Winter Holidays


Adrienne Urbanski