The Cranberry Room children have been learning all about trees. They collected twigs on the playground and glued them to paper. Then they used various shades of green watercolor to create foliage.
Today our teachers and children gathered together in community to celebrate the week and sing together at Chapel. We sang, we learned about the quiet candle, and we ended with a blessing for the month of October.
Chapel, a whole school assembly, provides a joyful opportunity for us to come together as a community, celebrate the wonderful learning that is taking place at Plymouth, and reflect on issues that affect the children’s social emotional development.
Chapel is held on Fridays at 11:00am in the Reception Room. This year, grownups and caregivers are invited to join us for Family Chapel once a month. Parents and children in our afternoon classes are also invited.
In the new year, our fours and fives classes will have the opportunity to lead a Family Chapel to share their learning. We will let you know when your class is leading Family Chapel well in advance.
The dates for Family Chapel are: October 25, November 22, January 31, February 28, March 21, April 25 and May 30.
There are a few things we ask of you when you join us for Family Chapel:
Please leave all strollers outside in Beecher Garden.
Younger children are welcome, but we cannot accommodate strollers and carriages in the Reception Room.
There is no eating or drinking in the Reception Room.
If your child chooses to sit with you, it is important that you make sure they rejoin their class before you leave.
Please help us create an atmosphere of quiet, respect and caring at Family Chapel.