
Watercolor by the Cranberry Room

Thank You Plymouth Community!

 The Book Fair was amazing. A special thank you to the Book Fair chairs, Blaire Prince and Cydnee Cornwell, for organizing both the fair and the two fantastic readings!

Thank you to all the volunteers who helped. Thank you all for purchasing books for family and friends and for donating books to the Brooklyn Book Bodega.

 We also want to thank everyone for the wonderful Teacher Appreciation breakfast this morning.  Our teachers feel loved and cared for. A special shout out to our PA chairs, Hana Sporer and Cullen Daly, for all you do to support our Plymouth community.

 Plymouth’s Annual Toy Drive

 Plymouth families have always been so generous in their support of Plymouth’s Toy Drive to support Colony Houses. If you would still like to contribute, please do so by Monday, December 16th.  Learn more about the Toy Drive here and shop from our Amazon Wish List!!

 Family Holiday Sing

 Our Holiday Sing will take place next Thursday, December 19th at 9:00am in the Church Sanctuary (entrance on Orange Street).

 All Plymouth families (both AM and PM classes) are invited.

 BGR children will be dropped off in their classroom at 8:55 as per usual, because they will be playing music during the Sing. BGR grownups will join everyone in the Sanctuary.

 After the Holiday Sing, we will all gather in the gym for a holiday cookie party! Dismissal for the Winter Holidays follows the party.

 Required Influenza Vaccine

 The NYC Department of Health (DOH) mandates that all children receive one dose of the influenza vaccine (flu shot) by December 31, 2024. We must have a record of your child’s vaccine by that time, or we will be out of compliance with the DOH and subject to fines. Due to this, children will not be permitted to attend school when we return from the Winter Holidays on January 6, 2025, without proof of their influenza immunization. 

Please email a copy of your child’s proof of vaccination to  

 Important Dates to Remember


19 – Holiday Sing

20 – Jan. 3- School Closed for Winter Holidays

Adrienne Urbanski