
Group collage by the Pineapple Room Twos

Fall Family Day is Tomorrow!

 Come celebrate fall with the Plymouth community at our Fall Family Day tomorrow from 10:00am to 12:00pm. There will be fun activities for the children and cider and doughnuts! What a wonderful way to connect with other Plymouth families.

 Parent Teacher Conferences

 Evening parent teacher conferences are on November 12th. School will be open with a regular schedule. There is no childcare for evening conferences.

 Talking About Race with Young Children – Parent Talk with Lori Riddick

 For the past several years, Plymouth faculty have been working closely with Lori Riddick, an equity and leadership expert, on how to talk about race and racial justice with young children. We have invited her to talk about these important issues with you, our families, on November 15th at 9:00am. This is essential work that we are doing as a community and we want all of you to attend.

We often avoid talking about race with our young children but, whether we like it or not, children notice similarities and differences between people. When we are silent, they are left to draw their own conclusions about what “different” means. Without coaching or support, their conclusions often reflect and reinforce biases. Fortunately – when we are intentional – we can impact the ways that our children see, categorize, and make meaning about race.

Please join us to begin to build a foundation of common language and common strategies that can be used by the community to support ongoing conversations about race.

 Thanksgiving Food Drive

 Plymouth Church School is partnering with Rising Ground on their annual Thanksgiving Food Drive. Rising Ground is a leading nonprofit human services organization providing children, adults, and families in the greater New York City area with the resources and skills needed to rise above adversity and positively direct their lives. Drop off your donations in the marked box in our lobby. See the attached flier for a list of items you can donate. Donations are accepted until November 22, 2024.


 Please complete our online application for any sibling applicant by going to the admissions page on our website: All applications for siblings should be completed by November 15th. As always, our current families are a priority! If you have any questions, reach out to Mindy Re-enrollment for current students will take place in the new year.

 Office Hours with Kate

 Our wonderful psychological consultant Kate Wechsler has worked with Plymouth for over 25 years and has helped many families tackle the conundrums of parenting. Plymouth hosts monthly office hours with Kate which provide an opportunity for you to meet individually with her to talk about issues and concerns you might have and get support. These meetings will be on Zoom.

 Upcoming dates are December 13th and January 17th. There are half hour appointments available between 9:30 and noon. Please email to book an appointment.  

  Important Dates to Remember


9 - Fall Family Day

12 - School Open – Evening Parent/Teacher Conferences

15 - Parent Talk with Lori Riddick - Talking About Race with Young Children

15 - Priority Application Deadline

22 - Family Chapel

27-29 - School Closed for Thanksgiving

Adrienne Urbanski