The leaves are changing – red, yellow and orange!
Today in Chapel we read The Leaf Thief by Alice Hemming and Nicola Slater and sang Leaves are Falling.
Thanksgiving Food Drive
Plymouth Church School is partnering with Rising Ground on their annual Thanksgiving Food Drive. Rising Ground is a leading nonprofit human services organization providing children, adults, and families in the greater New York City area with the resources and skills needed to rise above adversity and positively direct their lives. Drop off your donations in the marked box in our lobby. The last day to donate is next Friday.
Family Chapel
Our next Family Chapel is on Friday, November 22nd at 11:00am in the Reception Room. Grownups and caregivers are invited to join us. Parents and children in our afternoon classes are also invited.
The children in our Pineapple and Orange Rooms will not attend Chapel until later in the spring, but parents are of course invited to come.
There are a few things we ask of you when you join us for Family Chapel:
Please leave all strollers outside in Beecher Garden.
Younger children are welcome, but we cannot accommodate strollers and carriages in the Reception Room.
There is no eating or drinking in the Reception Room.
If your child chooses to sit with you, it is important that you make sure they rejoin their class before you leave.
Please help us create an atmosphere of quiet, respect and caring at Family Chapel.